American Freedom News aims to provide an array of non-establishment news and views to combat the censorship policies and increasingly totalitarian-oriented agenda of the alliance of Big Tech, Big Business, Big Government, and Cultural Communism.
Our own perspective is America First, as expressed in each issue of The Freedom Times monthly newspaper, but within that framework we support a robust exchange of opinion and ideas. The beginning of wisdom is when a person realizes just how little he or she knows and becomes willing to consider alternative ways of looking at and experiencing the world in which we live.
We do not believe in furthering “divide and conquer” narratives. The establishment wants us split into numerous hostile groups and identities rather than uniting in a common cause against the corrupt Oligarchy that is plundering America and the world. We support self-determination for all individuals, peoples and nations, while opposing the exploitation or oppression of any country or group of people.
It is our hope that you will make American Freedom News a regular stop in your quest for knowledge and enlightenment.